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The Spiritual Connection Bundle

Get in touch with your own spirituality so you can reconnect to yourself, your guides, and your loved ones.

Unlock our proven and tested bundle with 22 powerful tools, including meditations and energy attunements, journal prompts, routines, physical exercises, and online support that are expertly formulated for anyone struggling with loss so they can connect with their spirituality, their loved ones in spirit, and their spirit guides, without wasting time on ineffective therapy and chasing shallow solutions.

If you're feeling hopeless, like there's no point to life anymore, read on...

There IS hope and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I know you may be feeling lost, easily irritable, frustrated, lonely, and beyond help.

You may have sought out therapy, counseling, and support groups, but you're finding that your life has turned into something you don't want.

You miss your loved ones and feel you can't go on without them.

You may feel like you're stuck in the past.

You've lost connection to the Divine spark within you.


You're here reading this page, and that means something.

You're being guided to explore the possibility that perhaps you can rebuild your life and reconnect to those you love once again.

You may have tried and not seen any significant results or improvement in your daily life. How do you reclaim the Divine spark that is your birthright?

Let me introduce you to :

The Spiritual Connection Bundle

The ultimate bundle of 22 powerful meditations, energy attunements, journal prompts, exercises, routines, and online support for those of you who want to get in touch with your own spirituality so you can reconnect with yourself, your spirit guides, and your loved ones.

Why would The Spiritual Connection Bundle be for you?

it's the only toolkit of its kind that addresses all aspects of you (your energy body, physical body, and mental body) to help you reclaim your connection to Spirit and connect with your loved ones and guides.

The Spiritual Connection Bundle™ can help you:

1) Save time and energy on trainings and techniques that don't take all aspects of you into account

2) Create routines that support your growth through this new reality

3) Gain confidence in your own skills to connect directly through your energy and body

4) Get started on creating a new life proactively instead of being a constant victim of hopelessness

5) Have the support of like-minded people on similar journeys

6) Get to know your own energy and how to work with it

7) Heal wounds that are getting in the way of connecting effectively through powerful energy work

8) Receive guidance from Spirit and your loved ones directly

9) Develop a new relationship with your loved ones in spirit and the Divine

10) Grow on your spiritual path

11) Develop a new dialogue with your body so it becomes your ally in connecting with your loved ones

Who Is This Best For?

Those with

a brain

Who overthink everything and doubt connection is possible but are willing to try

Those with a heart

Who have lost loved ones and want to connect with them through the bonds of LOVE.

Those ready to connect

To their Sprit Guides, themselves, and their loved ones.

Those who want to thrive

And know a better reality is possible

What's Inside the Bundle?

Meditations & Energy Attunements

3 Guided Meditations and Energy Attunements to help you clear blocks , balance your energy systems, and connect to yourself, your guides, and your loved ones, normally only accessible to private clients, drawing on my medical intuitive, energy healer, psychic, and spiritual medium skills (Value: $895)

Journal Prompts

10 journal prompts specifically tailored to help clear your energy field and calm your mind to enhance connection (Value: $25)

Stretches, Breathing Exercises, and Somatic Techniques

6 easy stretches, exercises and release techniques to move energy from your body to reduce physical resistance, as your body is the veil (Value: $27)


2 easy routines with simple modifications to develop your spiritual practice so you can maintain your connection and make it part of your daily life (Value: $20)

Total Value: $967 USD

BONUS: Facebook group access to a unique community of others that are continuing bonds with their loved ones and learning about themselves, providing health, spiritual, energy, relationship, and mediumship coaching as well as research on the Spiritual Realms and the Afterlife (Value: Priceless)

Limited Time Only: $97 USD


About Veronica

Hi, my name is Veronica. My practice is called Relationship Alchemy. I am a certified medical intuitive, spiritual medium, psychic, health, spirituality, and relationship coach, and energy worker and healer.

I've been a medical intuitive my whole life, I just didn't know it had a name. This means I can see your energy field and your energy bodies and determine the mental, emotional, and spiritual reasons for your physical symptoms. We then create a healing plan to support your journey back into alignment with your divine blueprint.

I've been a professional coach for seven years, helping people improve their health and relationships through energy work, readings, and coaching.

I discovered my mediumship gifts in a circle, where I was learning to improve my connection to my Twin Flame who transitioned. As a result of these two worlds colliding, I've determined that our body is the veil, and the more we can clear out emotional and mental trauma and heal physically, the easier it becomes to connect with our loved ones. It's also easier to recover from grief, strengthen our connections, and act on the amazing information that comes through in mediumship readings. Besides mediumship readings, I am brushing up my artistic skills to do spirit portraits. I also specialize in clearing energy around organ donation to reduce the chance of transference and ease the transition for all parties.

I am now focusing on helping those that are interested in communicating with their own loved ones, to continue and improve relationships with those on the other side, and facilitate healing for both sides.

I am honored to be able to combine my medical intuitive, mediumship, energy work, and coaching skills into supporting the bereaved. My personal experience and belief is that 'death' is not the end, and we can continue our relationships with our loved ones as we heal ourselves through grief, and evolve into a new way of thinking about the afterlife and our precious time here.

Remember, you are not alone, and your loved ones are always with you.

Much Love,


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